Bare Bones Life

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on the eve of my fist day of work (albeit it is technically the third first day of work at this place, unfortunately), i feel like i'm living a life i don't want. or at least, one that i can't brag about. life back home is great. i love being around my family, but should i feel ashamed for being 21 and living at home? i help my mom out every. single. day. i guess i earn my keep. but 99% of my friends are still in school, plowing head on with their futures and aspirations, and i feel like i'm standing still and watching them race off to the horizon. but maybe the whole germany fiasco was a blessing in disguise. undisputedly, it has helped me refocus on what i want and helped identify what's important to me.

today's biggest predicament was figuring out where to go for coffee with my cousin tonight. apparently cafés in town are lame and are not open past 7 on a sunday night. we settled for commercialized, overrated coldstone creamery. i, however, ordered a mixture of fruit flavored sorbets. i refused to give into the "creamery." besides it's practically false advertising to call the f'ing place coldstone creamery and serve sorbets. it's probably just for the 29092% of americans who are obsessed with losing weight. suggestion: they should walk to a farmers market and buy fresh produce instead of driving their cars to get cream-based ice cream. can life be too simple?

fyi- i've decided that helvetica neue light is my "it" font for the time being.

1 Responses to “Bare Bones Life”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    helvetica: also swedish

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  • I'm Michael
  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  • laughter makes the world go round. i'm studying graphic design at the University of Minnesota and enjoying (nearly) every minute of it...just not the homework.
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