entrepreneurial german-speaking baking publisher?

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so while stuck in the back corner at work tonight, i took the four hours as an opportunity to speak german to myself. it has been a couple weeks since i've had the opportunity to speak real, actual, fluent German with anyone and i realized that i missed it. i also came to the conclusion that, out of all of my friends, i'm probably more fluent in a second language than 95% of them. who are the other five percent? i don't know— but i thought i'd leave the option open. perhaps beth, but i haven't actually witnessed her speaking fluent german. only a german/english mischung online. (beth, prove me wrong.) i thought that skill was pretty amazing in and of itself.

as of late i've also had this amazing urge to be an entrepreneur. what kind of business? well, i want to get into publishing and design books when i'm done with school. but i really think it would be amazing to start my own publishing company. to be at the helm of something great would be a dream. i think i'm a good person and i'd treat people well. i want to have fun, and i want to take people along for the ride.

however, i also love food. i visited this amazingly chic bakery in copenhagen last month and sat and read for a couple hours, just enjoying the warm atmosphere, the great decor, and completely ignoring the constant rush of customers satiating over delicious baked goods. i'd love to open up a bakery. or a cafe. so, a cafe/bakery/publishing house that deals with German speakers. yeah, it's a pretty niche market, but i think i'd have some success.

at work i also came to the conclusion that i'm the most fashionable tech geek. who can beat my combination of a powerbook, ipod, RAZR, and upcoming sweet ass digital camera? no, beth. you can't. you're not even in my league.

3 Responses to “entrepreneurial german-speaking baking publisher?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yeah, I actually didn't want to get the new one with the Intel processor, I'd rather wait another few years and get one when they've had time to really work all the bugs out. Getting 1st generation anything just isn't a good idea. Plus they are supposed to be making it only in 13'' models from now on and the fact that the 12'' was so small was 95% of the reason i wanted it...

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dear most-fashionable-tech-geek,

    Where's the eye rolling emoticon when I need it?

    Some of us, not on leave of absence and working, are paying for our educations instead of buying expensive toys.

    Yes, sometimes I do wish my Dell would unexpectedly CRASH so I'd have to buy a new computer, but it is a strong little no frills Inspiron 500M from summer 2003 and it lives on.

    I liked the German-speaking, baking publisher part of your post. Write more about that.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    you used my favorite word. satiate. good job. also, just to let you know, i must be a pretty fashionable tech geek too considering i also own a powerbook, iPod, RAZR, and sweet ass digital camera. and don't forget i got my powerbook, my RAZR, and my camera before you did. so take that!

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  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
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