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i felt rushed the entire nine, yes nine, hours i was at work today. tomorrow's morning will be almost non-existent before i head into work two hours early. and i will be working on saturday. and going to my brother's graduation (maybe?) on sunday. and then finally having time to bike!

is it weird that i'm really looking forward to buying spandex biking shorts tomorrow?

3 Responses to “time?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Let me know where you are buying your shorts, cause I can give you some ideas where to get good ones for less moola. If you are riding that far, you might want to invest in a pair of gloves as well.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nah, I'm no longer surprised by your strange choice in pants. kidding. I agree that you should buy gloves while you're buying shorts. They help a lot.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    did i not already tell you to buy gloves like two weeks ago? oh and maybe you should get a HELMET too!

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  • I'm Michael
  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  • laughter makes the world go round. i'm studying graphic design at the University of Minnesota and enjoying (nearly) every minute of it...just not the homework.
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