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I bought the first season of Grey's Anatomy this afternoon and i plan on spending the rest of the weekend enjoying the drama, the humor, and the overall goodness that it is.

i also forgot to mention in my last post about decorating my cafe/bakery/publishing house with my freelance photography. cuz it's good.

5 Responses to “Love”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yeah, sure! Fire away!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yeah, sure! Fire away!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yeah, sure! Fire away!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Whoops, looks like it posted that thing three times. Oh well. Anyway, no, the ticket wasn't meant for me, no worries! ;-) So Beth and Kyla just randomonly met up at the concert?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    your cafe/bakery/publishing house/photo gallery sounds a bit like MCBA. they have a cafe, they make books, they show art. so sorry to say, it's not a very original idea.

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  • I'm Michael
  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  • laughter makes the world go round. i'm studying graphic design at the University of Minnesota and enjoying (nearly) every minute of it...just not the homework.
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