to sum up...

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so i went to GB this weekend and hung out with molly and her posse. it was fun. i hadn't been up to Norbie's since the end of August. Although I've seen molly numerous times since i've been back it was fun and new to see her up at school, to bum on her couch, and get half-drunk off German beer. and falling asleep in her pupa sun chair at 10pm on a saturday night.

this morning i met up with breanna at the famous, much-talked-about-but-never-experienced Luna for coffee and a muffin. it was so nice seeing her. i haven't seen her since before i left for germany and it was nice to just see her and have an hour-long conversation about everything. mostly just about the past. and the future. and what people in our class are doing, where they will be going, etc.

i got home and met up with the rest of my family. no one in my family really drinks except for my family and my cousin lisa. but even my gramma had some beer. we ushered in my sister's boyfriend into our traditional family board games and then came back home and watched movies. and now it's time to finish Match Point.

and this is gorgeous:

i'm too lazy to make a link. copy and paste at your discretion.

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  • I'm Michael
  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  • laughter makes the world go round. i'm studying graphic design at the University of Minnesota and enjoying (nearly) every minute of it...just not the homework.
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