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i had my second interview for a job this afternoon. when i spoke to the guy on monday he told me that i should plan on being there from 3-4. i got there a little before 3, waiting while the manager solved a minor catastrophe and then he grilled me for all of ten minutes. ten minutes. a sixth of the expected duration. i have class in the morning, leaving me mostly available to work afternoons and nights and weekends. they want someone for the morning. he told me i was contending for one of two spots with 25 applicants gunning for the spots. part of me was thankful to know my chances, but when those chances are miniscule i tend to lose all hope. oh well, even if i don't get it, i'll probably shop at that location cuz the people there are awesome.

my graphic design job's interview is tomorrow. if it weren't for the fact that appearance does actually count, i would probably buzz my hair off tonight. if i can get my hands on one i think i might just do it. why is it still august? where the fuck is october? october=the greatest month of the year. hands down. well, in close contention with late september and may...and most other months...except november thru february.

1 Responses to “interviews”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hopefully yours were the best ten minutes yesterday and hope the graphic design interview went well.

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  • I'm Michael
  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  • laughter makes the world go round. i'm studying graphic design at the University of Minnesota and enjoying (nearly) every minute of it...just not the homework.
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