sunday mornings really are my favorite times. after being out on saturday nights you wake up whenever you feel like it and know that the entire day is yours for the taking. really, sunday is a breath of fresh air.
i woke up this morning and ate some cereal. however, feeling unsatisfied i went right to making lunch. i did some laundry and hung some clothes up to dry. thusly, the scent of freshly laundered clothes filled my room and the sun spilled through the windows and danced around on my floor. and then i realized that it was too nice to be inside.
i biked around lake calhoun where eventually it was my plan to enjoy the sun and read a book. i only read two chapters and spent a majority of the time talking on the phone. i took some pictures, none too exciting (sadly).
and then it occurred to me: this is the last free weekend i'll have for months. literally, months. i work next sunday which means that my weekend is more or less foiled. and then there's school. until december. and there is nothing worth doing outside in december in minnesota.
today was basically my last day of summer. as much as i'm looking forward to autumn, summer really could stand to be twice as long.
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