why i like minneapolis
Published Saturday, March 25, 2006 by Michael | E-mail this post
tonight is my last night in the Cities and i've had an enjoyable week. i must admit that i was a little apprehensive before arriving. people have had their own lives and i've had mine— not a whole lot to talk about. however, getting together with people was just like i never left. i wish i could have had met up with some people more often. i'm glad i hung out with the people i did. i love minneapolis and the people here. i feel like much more at home. i feel like i fit in and people understand me. two great anecdotes from this week:
bailey, alex, and i were at the Apple store looking at Mac Book Pros. a worker came up and asked us if we had any questions about them. alex responded and said that we all already had powerbooks. the guy then asked us if any of us did graphic design work. they both look at me and pointed. he responded with a "you look like a graphic designer." how cool— how many other people can look like the careers they pursue? he read me like a book. that, or i just really look like a graphic designer.
tonight we were looking at frames at a frames store and i tried on several pairs of glasses— one of which apparently looked german. the guy then responded with a "those wouldn't be bad if you were moving to germany." we all looked at each other and i responded with a "well, actually, i just moved back from Germany." apparently i have German fashion tendencies.
i'm going to miss this place. i don't want to drive home by myself for five hours tomorrow. i must return this summer and witness warm weather, sun, outdoor dining, and the Lakes. so many good aspects to MPLS in the summer.
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