finally. school becomes practical.
Published Monday, October 09, 2006 by Michael | E-mail this post
i distinctly recall riding in anna's car late this past summer and talking (more like complaining) about the lack of real-world experience our graphic design education at the U provides us. for the past couple of years we've been putzing around making stupid posters about dumb topics; never really putting our skills to any sort of decent use.
all that seems to have changed this semester. at least for me anyway. my GD I instructor took the initiative to send an email out to University departments in need of graphic design help. our first project consisted of creating a logo and all sorts of materials for Northrop Auditorium. that project is behind us and i feel really confident with what i presented to the client. should they decide to use any of the six ideas presented to them, that students work will become the official logotype for the building and will be printed a million times over on posters, mailers, websites, etc. it's kind of exciting when you think about it. (every time i check my email i'm ever-so-slightly expecting an email from them saying they want to use my design, but i doubt that's going to happen.)
today we started our second project. we're creating an identity system using predetermined logos and styles of it sounds like a great foundation-- will steger is a minnesotan who has set numerous records for traveling to both of the poles in an attempt to raise awareness about global warming. our project is due on november 1. they are pushing back their print date to accommodate a student's final design. this will be even more exposure, since the foundation is planning on printing 50,000 sets of materials for distribution to classrooms nationwide. that's a lot of exposure, and a great opportunity. i need to make something great.
wish me luck.
wonderful opportunities. you have skill. i'm confident that you can create something great.