I went to the Music Boxx (two x's cuz it's that awesome) this morning to pre-order the Concrete's new album "In Color" (or maybe it's "colour" [since they're SWEDISH and probably spell the dumb, British way]). there were these two little kids (ok, probably 15 or 16-year olds) who were buying some dumb cd, even though i'm sure they probably weren't even old enough to buy this certain album, which had a parental advisory label on it. they came up a couple cents short and i volunteered the spare change i had in my pocket. i'm sure they were buying some crappy cd with just a bunch of angst-ridden teens screaming into microphones, but it made me feel good to help somebody out. it also made me feel responsible, but really old. like reallllly old.
british spelling is not dumb. without the british we would not have great terms like shagging, snogging, noffing, bangers, and brililant!
oh the music boxx...how i love thee. did you see my brother or my good friend JP? ;-)
ugh, tell me about it. what really scares me is that if we feel that old at 20-something, what's it going to be like when we hit like, say, 45?