the past two weeks have been on par with the apocalypse in terms of homework load. i've had three midterms, a research paper, a short essay, a lab presentation and other miscellaneous crap to do. apocalyptic! i told you. add on 30 hours of work a week and a very crude attempt at maintaining a social life and i feel like i'm on the verge of mental insanity. wasn't it just this past weekend when i fell into that day-long spell of depression? yeah, that was saturday. after tomorrow everything will be over and done with and it'll be another two weeks before anything major is due again. and then it's time for a break. and then what, only three weeks left until the end of the semester? i don't really remember september anymore.
with all of the mounting stress and lack of free time my desktop managed to become bombarded with files and space was fillin' up fast. it was like i couldn't breathe and claustrophobia was setting in. so i spent half an hour and organized and deleted and shuffled around tons of files into their respective new folders. and now my desktop is perfect and i feel so much better.
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