i shake my fist...

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so when i found out several weeks back that i wasn't chosen for a graphic design position due to my lack of office experience, i was a little frustrated. if they posted the job for a graphic designer, then you shouldn't require that they have office experience. (but really, what student doesn't have some sort of office experience these days?)

then tonight i grew enraged! i saw a posting on the U's employment website from the same department looking for an office assistant. which means: that now the graphic designer isn't responsible for office duties. the designer can just design. which is what i would have done. and i was the most creative candidate they interviewed. now that they'll have an office assistant, that job should have rightfully gone to me.

i'm almost tempted to apply for the office assistant job and see what they do. (they pay the same, which i think is odd.)

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  • I'm Michael
  • From Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  • laughter makes the world go round. i'm studying graphic design at the University of Minnesota and enjoying (nearly) every minute of it...just not the homework.
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