my interest and desire to blog is starting to wain, so i apologize to the 2 people who actually read this.
it's almost thanksgiving break and i find myself asking "where have the past 10 weeks gone?" wasn't it just yesterday that i was heading back to school in t-shirts and flip flops? how unfair is it that now i'm bundled up in layers of wool just to stay warm outside? ok, wool is great, so i guess i won't complain. the collection of new wool sweaters i have amassed in the couple of weeks is nothing short of amazing.
i'm in the midst of another studio project and i've grown so attached to it that i like to open it several times a day just to look at it. to tweak it, and admire the work i'm doing. although it may be a little vain, at least it's a good sign that you're making something good. this is the only semester i've had when i've only had one studio class. next semester i have three, and i foresee my quality of work going down. i'll make this count.
over the past week i've gotten several compliments about my glasses (two in one day even). and yesterday i was working on my dollar project and some guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked "not to be nosey, but do you design checks for a living?" i told him that i was a student and that it was just a studio project. he seemed kind of taken aback, but then replied "you do really great work." it's times like that that me feel like i'm going to school for the right thing.
and lastly, i'm in need of some pumpkin pie.
here is my project so far: (the strips that say "united states of america" will eventually be covered up by a strip of iridescent material, making it even cooler.

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