Published Sunday, April 30, 2006 by Michael.
so i went to GB this weekend and hung out with molly and her posse. it was fun. i hadn't been up to Norbie's since the end of August. Although I've seen molly numerous times since i've been back it was fun and new to see her up at school, to bum on her couch, and get half-drunk off German beer. and falling asleep in her pupa sun chair at 10pm on a saturday night.
this morning i met up with breanna at the famous, much-talked-about-but-never-experienced Luna for coffee and a muffin. it was so nice seeing her. i haven't seen her since before i left for germany and it was nice to just see her and have an hour-long conversation about everything. mostly just about the past. and the future. and what people in our class are doing, where they will be going, etc.
i got home and met up with the rest of my family. no one in my family really drinks except for my family and my cousin lisa. but even my gramma had some beer. we ushered in my sister's boyfriend into our traditional family board games and then came back home and watched movies. and now it's time to finish Match Point.
and this is gorgeous:
i'm too lazy to make a link. copy and paste at your discretion.
Published Friday, April 28, 2006 by Michael.
so i ran into my good friend Weekend today and this was the conversation that ensued:
me: hey, i haven't seen you in a couple of days.
weekend: yeah, sorry. i've been busy.
me: is that a new skirt? it looks good on you.
weekend: yeah, it's new. i wore it just for you.
me: sweet! wanna make out?
weekend: umm...ok.
yeah. it's going to be a wild next few days.
Published Thursday, April 27, 2006 by Michael.
so i woke up this morning after a weird dream involving me pitching new ideas to steve jobs and in term, him asking me to come on board as the vice president of coolness. well, not mayor of cool-town, but at least just to work for him. then i could tell that i was waking up and it was over. dang.
since i was up so early this morning i decided to break out my yoga mat and break a sweat. i'm tempted to bike to work today, but i'm a little hesitant that it would make me sick again. i'll wait another week or two. i wish that it was warm out.
Published Wednesday, April 26, 2006 by Michael.
now that i have been working earlier and going to bed at a decent time, i have been waking up earlier. and i really like it. this morning i woke up at 8:30 and it seems like there's so much of the day ahead of me. i showered, got ready, and then slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of sandals and headed out to the grocery store for a couple things. trees around town are sprouting leaves and it's hard to find a patch of grass that's still brown. soon it will be prime cycling weather. and picturesque scenes will find my camera's lens. and maybe i'll even wade in the waters of lake michigan. when it's not overrun with e.coli.
Published Tuesday, April 25, 2006 by Michael.
so i got gypped when it came to picking out classes for fall. everyone took all the spots for the DHA classes i need. stupid design students. i'll just get rid of some of the 23980 liberal education requirements i still have left.

i talked to liz and hannes online today and we had a little over-the-internet birthday present unwrapping party. i'm glad liz liked her birthday present. i gave german boy a bunch of american candy to boot.
Published Monday, April 24, 2006 by Michael.
i sent emails to my advisor and former/potential professor this morning in hopes that they could pull some ropes with registration and get me into the classes i don't want, but rather, need to take. no such luck. stupid design, housing and apparel department. all the studio classes are limited to the amount of computers available. so...it looks like i'll only be taking half of the classes i had my heart set on. (not including the bookmaking course i was dying to take!) so i guess i'll take a couple of other liberal education requirements i still have left. sometimes i really hate the way the department makes us jump right into design. it makes it really hard to finish up other university-required classes. my head is pounding from a long day of forklift sounds. throbbing even. i can't stand being awake much longer. i had one vicodin pill left from this weekend and i took it with the hope that it will help to rid me of my headache. ouch. i'll post my schedule tomorrow after i actually register and buy Shopgirl on dvd.
Published Saturday, April 22, 2006 by Michael.
for years i despised wisconsin. maybe it was because i was a teenager just itching to get out of my hometown. i was eager for higher education and world travel. now i'm halfway done with college and i've seen more than enough of Europe for now. going from living an international lifestyle to moving back home with my family seemed like a big downgrade, but now that i'm back home i'm really glad that i'm here.
wisconsin really is a good place to live. as much as i hark on the hick population of this city, they're still nice people. winters can be cold, summers can be amazing. it's beautiful here year round (except when it's winter and there's grey sky but no snow on the ground so all you see is dead grass). we're hardworking people. i like our style of living. i like our modesty and sense of community. i love the fact that an hour south of here you can be in a city of 500,000 people and two hours north of here you can be in door county. i love the fact that lake michigan is less than a mile away from my house. even though madison really does suck, i love the fact that it's a city full of yuppie liberals who support groundbreaking medical research at one of the nation's best public university systems.
i really don't foresee myself living the rest of my life in wisconsin, but i'm glad that my roots are here.
thank you to malory for figuring out how to make my blog header pictures change randomly. she's the smartest internet person i know.
Published Friday, April 21, 2006 by Michael.
happy earth day. i feel like i should get out and do something earth day-esque. i really want to. sadly, i will be planting myself on the couch for the weekend, popping vicodin and icing my balls with a bag of frozen peas. i went to the ER tonight and was diagnosed with epididymitis. and it's a bitch.
thought you'd like to know.
Published Thursday, April 20, 2006 by Michael.
i hate my left testicle. that is all i have to say.
Published Wednesday, April 19, 2006 by Michael.
so i got another cell phone bill in the mail today and somehow managed to get charged ANOTHER additional 30 dollars worth of crap. i need to figure out what's going on and why they're being absolutely. moronic. idiots.
my mom is continuing to be crabby. i think she's trying to go for a whole week straight. i'm contemplating living with my dad for the summer. however, this would first require me talking to him about it. it would be relaxing and a change of pace. however, it would also mean being farther out of the city and NO internet. it's a toss up.
i almost buckled and ate junk food today. but thanks to grace i found comfort in some of my healthy, old person, "this is the most bran-filled cereal possible— you'll have an excellent BM" cereal. sorry. that was graphic.
so i looked at the bgui.de link on my page and i was browsing this guy's recent photo posts and i found a couple of bergmannstraße. this street was just two blocks north of my place. and i miss it dearly.
picture here
Published Tuesday, April 18, 2006 by Michael.
new blog header=my attempt at being springy.
as of late i've been on this real health craze. even though biking home from work at 11pm is scary i'm biking out to Falls again today. and probably will from now on unless it's raining. before work yesterday i went to the grocery store and hit up the produce section. from now on i'd like to try and avoid as many boxes, bagged, and canned foods as possible. this of course excludes the following: granola, cereals (i eat the healthy, grainy, old people varieties) and beer (because it comes in bottles). however, there's only so much you can eat before you get sick of the same fruits and veggies.
Published Saturday, April 15, 2006 by Michael.
so with it being easter and all there have been a lot of people in town for the weekend. last night molly and i went to a couple bars and we saw tons of people with whom we graduated. we went to a movie today and saw another one. i'm sure i'll see a couple more later this evening.
i went out to dinner with my old library co-worker Jamie and her boyfriend Jameson. pecan crusted tilapia with sun dried fruit cutney and wild rice. delicious. what could make it more delicious? jamie paid. yum.
Published Friday, April 14, 2006 by Michael.
so i woke up this morning and i was like "wtfuck smells like burnt popcorn?"
my brother came home last night around 1:30 with a friend. he put in a pizza. i went to bed. my mom woke up this morning at 5, came downstairs and the entire house was full of smoke. she took the charred pizza out of the oven that had been cooking in a 400˚ oven for the past three and a half hours.
if i kept a running tally for all the stupid things my brother does, i would definitely add another hatch mark for this one.
Published Thursday, April 13, 2006 by Michael.
so i had my heart set on biking to work tonight. i woke up this morning and it was sunny. right before i left for work it started getting cloudy. twenty minutes after i got to work it started to drizzle. the sun eventually came back out and i was like "Oh, it's going to be so nice riding back home." then third shift came in and they were like "a big thunderstorm's coming!" my heart dropped.
the ground was wet and there was tons of lightning. i thought i'd brave it. turns out my bike light isn't that bright so i biked alongside highway 23 on the Old Plank Trail. i was freaking out because of the lightning. some creature dashed across the trail while i was going 20 miles an hour. once i got onto the city streets it was fine.
i got home and my jeans, underwear, vest, and backpack were full of a disgusting water/stone mixture. but i'm alive and healthy! so that's always good. i think i'll hold off on this biking thing until it stays darker out longer and i get done with work at 9.
so a bad thunderstorm made its way through and i thought i'd take some pictures. i took this picture— i think it looks like there's a face howling in the sky. anyone else see it?
Published Wednesday, April 12, 2006 by Michael.
how much do you think the kool-aid man weighs? i would think that fitting through a doorway would be problematic; breaking through walls all the time must be getting pretty expensive.
Published Monday, April 10, 2006 by Michael.
i went to work this afternoon and was directed to the HR lady's office. she offered me a job to work in the warehouse and drive a forklift for the summer. i've always wanted to learn how to drive one. i mean, i'm sure it'll look good on a job resume or whatever. especially for graphic design jobs. i'll be floating around on all the shifts, but mostly staying on first. hear that, bailey? now you need to find a first shift job. wait...well, you need to find
a job. i only tease because i love.
and i'm still convinced that ryan adams is the best musician in my iTunes library. (fyi- the german version of iTunes refers to the Library as the Archive. i think that's lame. it makes it sound so dodgy and stale. how un-applelike.)
i got my bike's speedometer put on today. and i exchanged my light for one that doesn't suck. and i'll be biking a whole lot more. don't worry, i'll buy you a dust mask or a particle filter or something for the summer, b. tease=love.
Published Sunday, April 09, 2006 by Michael.
sitting in bed listening to one the many great Ryan Adams cd in my iTunes, i decided to look up the lyrics to my favorite ryan adams song/my all-time favorite song. i guess i never really payed a whole lot of attention to the lyrics (i was always just captivated by the excellent guitar solo). so yeah, i guess my favorite song of all time is about a woman taking her child and leaving her husband. guess i never realized that. is it depressing that my favorite song has such a dark theme? eh. should i feel dumb that i never realized this before? probably...
hands down, i would have to say that ryan adams is my favorite musician. love that guy.
Published Friday, April 07, 2006 by Michael.
so i drove past the gas station on the way home from work tonight— $2.72 a gallon. f that. i don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on gas this summer, so starting may 1 i plan to ride my bike to everywhere. to work. to the store. etc. within reason.
i'm going to save so much money. and get in good shape. i hope it's warm out by then. :-
my ride's pretty sweet.
Published Thursday, April 06, 2006 by Michael.
so i'm running low on sudafed and praying that my cold goes away soon. this week it was the cold. last week it was a little scare with possible testicular cancer. both are vastly improved today and i'm hoping to take advantage of the decent weather and hope to go biking in the coming days.
i got paid today. i love getting money. and i love the fact that i won't have to worry about money for next school year. i'm also really itching to go to chicago for a weekend. i forgot that the Metra goes from Kenosha to Chicago for 6 bucks one way. so, if anyone wants to join me...
i've established a fitness goal for the summer. it's not like i need to lose weight, but i'd like to get in better shape. so here's to that. bailey is lame and will not run with me. i can deal with biking.
Published Monday, April 03, 2006 by Michael.
my sister's boyfriend came home with her this weekend for a visit and yesterday she decided to break out the old home videos. the one we ended up watching was when my brother still wasn't around (when our family was perfect). we watched for almost an hour and we noted that i hardly ever said a word. i guess i never realized how quiet i was as a child. was it possible that i took a vow of silence when i was three? however, i was pretty friggin' adorable.

[my sister and i somewhere on vacation.]
Published Saturday, April 01, 2006 by Michael.
admit it, you match your underwear to your outfit too.